Wednesday, April 1, 2009



In about 34 weeks or so, my world is going to flip.

And we're going to have to find a bigger house.

Sucker better not look like an alien...

That is all.


Chris said...

I didn't know Norte's came in smaller sizes? I guess your sister are pretty small too but any smaller than that and you could be having 'Thumbellina.'
CONGRATS!!! Keep me updated!

Norte said...

I didn't know apostrophes were necessary for plurals...

I mean, I didn't know apostrophe's were necessary for plural's...


Chris said...

If you knew how crappy my elementary and high schools were you would be congratulating me on being able to read higher than a 5th grade level and write semi-correctly instead of always making fun of me.
HA ha.

Unknown said...

Don't worry Chris, mine sucked too. I learned my grammar and spelling from computer games that involved aliens in creepy castles.

Kw33nBiitch said...

all i gotta say to this blog posting is if u aint happy about having a baby then keep ur legs closed! SIMPLE!!!